Ted Morris, Nee Tahi Buhn Band

Archival Item, 2018.

This record's media has been digitized but is not available to the public. Contact the archive for access.
30 Nov. 1984
Extent and Medium
1 audio cassette : 90 min
Material Designation
Sound recordings
Scope and Content
Audio tape contains an interview with Ted Morris.
English, Dakelh
Language Note
Enregistrements sonores du Conseil tribal des Carrier Sekani.
Conditions Governing Access
Materials include community specific stories, genealogies, songs, legends, and/or ceremonies. The community in question will determine access, use, or restriction protocols. ; Materials contain personal information, or are restricted for protection of privacy purposes. Please consult the archivist for access.
Oral histories
Nee Tahi Buhn Band, Oral histories, Interviews
Nee-Tahi-Buhn Band, Cheslatta Carrier Nation, Skin Tyee Band, Ts'il Kaz Koh First Nation
Related Collection
Carrier Sekani Tribal Council fondsSound Recordings