Map of Nautley I.R. 1, Range 5, Coast District, British Columbia. Map 2 Present Land Use

Archival Item, 2018.4.02.007

This record's media has been digitized but is not available to the public. Contact the archive for access.
Extent and Medium
1 map: 21.5 x 28 cm.
Black and white printed map on mylar.
Material Designation
Cartographic material
Scope and Content
File contains maps from Nadleh Whut'en. Item is an individual map of Nautley I.R. #1. Depicts lots to the east of Fraser Lake and west of Nechako River, as well as lots to the north of Nautley River.
Conditions Governing Access
The use of this material is for research, personal use, or study purposes only. Any reproduction or publication is forbidden unless permissions are sought from the copyright owner.
Nadleh Whut'en, Fraser Lake, Nautley, I.R. #1, Nautley River, Nechako River, Lots, Lanes and Roads, Boundaries
Nadleh Whut'en First Nation
Related Collection
Carrier Sekani Tribal Council fondsMaps and Oversize Drawings

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