8th Annual General Assembly

Archival Item, 2018.

This record's media has been digitized but is not available to the public. Contact the archive for access.
14 Jul. 1988
Extent and Medium
1 audio cassette : 90 min
Material Designation
Sound recordings
Scope and Content
Audio cassette contains a recording of a multiday Carrier Sekani Tribal Council annual general assembly, held in 1988. Day three.
English, Dakelh
Language Note
Enregistrements sonores du Conseil tribal des Carrier Sekani.
Conditions Governing Access
Financial, governance, agreements, and/or resolution decisions contained within. Access to be determined by the originating community, CSTC management, or the archivist.
Meetings, AGA, Annual general assemblies
Related Collection
Carrier Sekani Tribal Council fondsSound Recordings